
An X-ray is the most commonly used imaging scan for most people since it is simple, safe, and low cost. Doctors use x-ray to diagnose injury and lung issues, from bronchitis to lung cancer.
An x-ray uses radiation in small quantities. The radiation (or x-ray) passes through the body, capturing an image. The rays are blocked by dense tissue, bone, and objects in the body. Radiologists look at the x-ray picture and send a report of their findings to the doctor.
CT Scans
CT stands for Computed Tomography. It’s a painless scan that combines the power of x-ray with computers to make images. The images are 360-degreecross-sectionall views of your body.
Doctors often use CT scans when they want to see bone, soft tissue and blood vessels at the same time. It’s also okay for a patient who has metal in their body to have a CT. Because of this capability, it is a common scan for a cancer patient to have.
CT scans often involve oral and/or intravenous contrast. This clear, tasteless liquid helps radiologists see certain things in the scan, such as lymph nodes, better. During the scan, you lay on a scanner table. The table will move you through the scanner, while the technologist will take the images from outside of the room. Depending on what your doctor needs from the scan, it takes from 10 to 30 minutes.
Your doctor may order an MRI if he or she wants a good picture of soft tissues such as your organs, your brain, or other internal structures. Unlike x-ray and CT scans, MRI doesn’t use radiation. Instead, it uses powerful magnets to take cross-section images, or “slices.” This scan takes from 30 minutes to an hour.
Because a patient must lay on a table in a small tube for a long time, it’s not an ideal scan for people who are claustrophobic.
A Helpful Comment from MRI Test Prep:
“While external metal, such as keys, cellphones, hairpins, etc. are strictly forbidden from entering the MRI exam room most metal implants, including nearly all orthopedic and dental implants are MRI Safe. There is a spectrum of safety with metal implants which includes safe, conditional, and unsafe. Even many implants which were previously deemed “unsafe” for instance cardiac pacemakers, are now being built with MRI Conditional varieties, allowing these patients to undergo MRI. As a patient be sure to inform both your physician and technologist of all metal implants prior to your exam, and if you have any implant info cards be sure to fax them to the MRI center before your exam, and have them on hand the day of your MRI. (I know this may be too much information but I don’t want people with metal implants to feel like they are disqualified from MRI when they otherwise would be a fine MRI candidate.)”
Whether it’s an x-ray, a CT, or MRI, your doctor will know the best imaging scan for your needs. They’re very careful about safety. If your doctor orders a scan, it is because they believe the risk of letting a suspected problem go undiagnosed outweighs any potential risk the scan may have. Thanks to low dose radiation, and careful precautions, imaging technology has become quite safe.
Our Story
The first scan Dan had was an x-ray. Doctors saw something suspicious but needed to know more in order to make a diagnosis. They performed many more scans and tests to confirm their suspicions. Throughout Dan’s treatment, he has had scans at least once every 3 months. Often they have been 6 weeks apart. At one point, they needed more up to date information, so they gave him an x-ray every 2 weeks for 2 months. All of these images have given us a picture of what was happening in his body. With that knowledge, we could make informed medical decisions.
I am an author, writer, and speaker and homeschooling mom of 3. Since my husband, Dan was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2012, I’ve focused my writing and speaking on helping cancer patients and their families advocate for themselves and live life to the fullest, despite their illness.
My goal is to help people face cancer with grace.
My book Facing Cancer as a Friend: How to Support Someone Who Has Cancer, is available on Amazon.com

14 comments on “X-Ray, CT Scan, & MRI”
Jacqui Murray
April 28, 2017 at 9:56 amConstantly, and over and over. The more time I spend on stuff about being sick, the sicker I feel. I prefer to do stuff that feels healthy–like reading, walking.
OK, I really hate these constant tests.
April 28, 2017 at 4:40 pmYou’re not alone. 70% of med students get psychosomatic symptoms of the diseases they are studying. Psychology Today had an interesting article on the phenomenon.
Tamara Narayan
April 29, 2017 at 9:26 amMy husband’s first set of images was an MRI. At the time, he didn’t know a CT would have found his tumor. Later he was glad he had the MRI anyway because it saved him from being exposed to an additional amount of radiation.
April 30, 2017 at 4:44 pmThat is a blessing. Over the last 5 years, my husband has had over 20 chest CTs, 8 Brain MRIs, 6 chest x-rays, 2 full body bone scans, and 2 full body PET scans.
September 27, 2017 at 1:30 pmIts really useful post through this can able to know the all the challenges in medical imaging field.
September 27, 2017 at 5:04 pmThank you, John.
MRI Test Prep
December 15, 2017 at 4:57 pmHi Heather,
Beautiful, concise article regarding the different basic modalities within radiology. Your story is inspiring and I believe that educating those in similar circumstances is a truly noble goal.
Not to nitpick but I did not want readers to get the wrong idea regarding metal in MRI. While external metal, such as keys, cellphones, hairpins, etc. are strictly forbidden from entering the MRI exam room most metal implants, including nearly all orthopedic and dental implants are MRI Safe. There is a spectrum of safety with metal implants which includes safe, conditional, and unsafe. Even many implants which were previously deemed “unsafe” for instance cardiac pacemakers, are now being built with MRI Conditional varieties, allowing these patients to undergo MRI. As a patient be sure to inform both your physician and technologist of all metal implants prior to your exam, and if you have any implant info cards be sure to fax them to the MRI center before your exam, and have them on hand the day of your MRI. (I know this may be too much information but I don’t want people with metal implants to feel like they are disqualified from MRI when they otherwise would be a fine MRI candidate.)
Cheers and once again I love your mission, and website . Best of luck with everything.
December 26, 2017 at 12:58 pmThank you for clarifying the information on MRI’s. I have made the necessary changes and included your comments (as well as a link to your site) in the post itself since in the near future this post will be moved to Facing Cancer with Grace.
bulk bill xray
June 21, 2019 at 1:57 amX-rays are not that new but they are still used in most medical tests. They are accurate and helpful.
June 21, 2019 at 6:20 pmHi Bulk Bill Xray. Yes, they are very helpful. Still, the advantage of a CT scan for catching lung cancer early is notable. Thankfully, doctors are very good at ordering the right imaging test for a given situation.
October 18, 2019 at 7:23 amI have interest in radiology field your blog gives me a lot of knowledge. keep writing mam gives us knowledgeable information.
October 23, 2019 at 11:39 pmThank you, Ash. I’ve moved most of my cancer-related posts to “Facing Cancer with Grace.” You might want to check it out. Have a great week!
June 30, 2020 at 1:50 pmGreat read. Thanks for all the work you put in!
July 1, 2020 at 10:06 amThank you, Medit. Have a wonderful week!