Z is for: Foster Your Inner Zen. Then Write it Down

Write it down

I had a story idea yesterday. I was particularly excited about it because it was the 2nd idea I had this week, and both were brilliant. I was a creative machine! But, I didn’t write it down, so I forgot it.  It got me wondering how often a brilliant idea is forgotten because we don’t write it down in time. It’s important to keep track of Zen-inspired ideas—those that hit you spontaneously when you aren’t even trying to come up with them.

The A to Z Blogging Challenge

A to Z Blogging ChallengeI’m doing double duty this month during the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Here at Heather Erickson Author/Writer/Speaker, I will share ideas for “Thinking Creatively.” I’ll also be doing the challenge at Facing Cancer with Grace, where I will focus on “Avoiding Burnout.” I hope you’ll visit me at both sites. Today’s post is Z is for Foster Your Inner Zen. Then Write it Down.

Brain specialists have found that Theta waves activate your imagination, trigger new ideas and create a feeling of calm. That’s why those spontaneous “light bulb” moments often happen when you’re relaxed, in the shower, walking the dog or driving home. So take some time out today to walk in nature, meditate or simply daydream. And be mindful. You never know when that “aha” moment will arrive.

Here are some ideas to make this easier:

  • Use a small Moleskin notebook. Keep it in your pocket so that whenever inspiration strikes, you have a place to immediately write it down.
  • Use your phone’s note-taking app, or even better, take a voice memo. If you aren’t comfortable with the voice memo technology, just call yourself and leave a voice message—or send yourself an email.
  • Keep a notebook beside your bed. When you have a crazy dream or get a midnight idea, immediately write it down.

Why it’s important to write it down.

Recently, I couldn’t find my usual journal where I write my musings and goals. So, I grabbed one that only had a couple of entries. Just for kicks, I read the entries which I made back in 2014. Both were very insightful and reminded me of goals I had (which I still have) In one of the entries I wrote down some advice given to me by a priest. He encouraged me to pray the Lord’s prayer daily and meditate on the passage, “Give us the day our daily bread.” Not bread for tomorrow, but for today, my daily allotment of strength. I didn’t fully grasp the wisdom of it until I reread it. Why didn’t I take that advice? It’s certainly not too late. I am taking that advice now.

When you get an inspired idea, do you write it down?

What Are YOUR Thoughts?

I’d love to hear in the comment section, below. I appreciate my readers as well as the writing community. To show that appreciation, I use Comment Luv. Just leave a comment below and your latest post will get a link next to it. Thank you!

About Heather EricksonThe Ericksons

I am an author, writer, and speaker and homeschooling mom of 3. Since doctors diagnosed my husband, Dan with stage IV lung cancer in 2012, I’ve focused my writing and speaking on helping cancer patients and their families advocate for themselves and live life to the fullest, in spite of their illness. My goal is to help people face cancer with grace. My books are available at Amazon.com:

The Memory Maker’s Journal 

Facing Cancer as a Friend: How to Support Someone Who Has Cancer

Facing Cancer as a Parent: Helping Your Children Cope with Your Cancer

I also blog about living with cancer at Facing Cancer with Grace.

Have any questions or comments? I would love to hear from you! By commenting, you agree to the terms of my privacy policy.

6 comments on “Z is for: Foster Your Inner Zen. Then Write it Down

I lost a great idea like that once. I was in bed, almost asleep. Alas, I fell asleep before I could wake enough to write it down.

I’m not good about writing things down. I always tell myself, “I’ll remember it,” then I don’t. I’ll remember that I wanted to remember something, but not the thing itself.

Coingratulations on finishing the Challenge!

I love my writing notebook, but don’t always have it with me. I downloaded OneNote to all my devices, so if I’m out for a walk – zen-like, inspiring, always idea creating – I can jot down my idea in onenote, and it’ll be on my computer later.

Sorry for all you’re going through. I’m still going through the master list, so this month I’m hitting blogs I missed. I think cancer has touched everyone, so I appreciate what you do!

Thank you, Red. I have One Note on my PC, but I don’t utilize it as I should. I will need to try to use it more.

Congratulations for getting to Z! I’m eager to read your reflections, see how this worked.

I hope your husband is doing better. He is in my thoughts.

Hi Jacqui. Dan died on April 26th. We had the funeral on May 4th. I’m catching up on comments. I spent the month caring for him as he was on in-home hospice. What writing I did was on his caring bridge. Little by little I will eventually catch up.

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