As a writer, it’s essential for me to have a constant spark of creativity. So, whenever a tool comes along that helps generate ideas, I have to try it out. I’m excited to share my favorite creativity app with you. It is called the brainsparker app. I can’t think of a better name for it. “Brainsparker is a creativity app designed to spark your imagination, disrupt your routine thinking and trigger your brain to come up with new ideas and better solutions.” What I love about the brainsparker app The brainsparker app is easy to use and it puts creativity at your Read more…
As I wrap up my series on how to write a review, I want to share my favorite tool with you, as well as tell you how I use it. It’s a review template. This particular template is for a fiction book review, although I’ve included a couple of questions for nonfiction books at the bottom of the list. Feel free to copy this template and use it. I encourage you to create your own template to match your own personal style. You could make one for nonfiction books, one for fiction, one for physical products, one for services, etc. The Read more…
Writing a review doesn’t have to be intimidating. All you’re really doing is sharing your opinion about a book, product, or service. Today we’re going to look more in-depth at how to write a book review. We will look at the different styles of book reviews you can write. Some people use a variety of styles, depending on how they feel about the book they are reviewing. Others prefer to stick with one style. How to write a book review at it most basic We have all seen book reviews that say, “I loved this book! The characters were great.” Read more…
Last week I shared some of the reasons we should write reviews of the products, books, and services we purchase. This week we will look at one of the easiest and most popular places to do this— The online retail giant has helped make reviews a routine part of shopping online. In fact, it has become such an integral part of the shopping experience that 72% of Americans will wait to make a purchase until after they have read the reviews.[1] Thankfully, Amazon has made writing reviews easy. The first way that Amazon has made writing reviews easy When you Read more…
When you buy something on Amazon (or any other online retailer), do you skip reading the reviews, or do you use them to help you decide whether you should hit the “buy” button? Do you make a habit of writing a review for books, products, and services you buy? Over 95% of us check the reviews before buying. In fact, if a product or business has at least 5 positive reviews, a customer is 4 times as likely to purchase than if there are fewer. [1] Yet, 31.5% of consumers say they never get around to writing a review.[2] Reviews Read more…
Less than a year ago, author, Jacqui Murray’s book, To Hunt a Sub, made its debut. She’s now releasing the sequel, Twenty-Four Days. I’m so excited to share this with you as part of her book release blog-hop. Here’s the Short Synopsis of Twenty-four Days: A former SEAL, a brilliant scientist, a love-besotted nerd, and a quirky AI have twenty-four days to stop a terrorist attack. The problems: They don’t know what it is, where it is, or who’s involved. What sets this story apart from other thrillers is the edgy science used to build the drama, the creative thinking that unravels Read more…
The Memory Maker’s Journal is available in 5 different covers! The Memory Maker’s Journal- Ruby Edition The Memory Maker’s Journal- Turquoise, Red, and Orange Edition The Memory Maker’s Journal- Navy and Violet Edition The Memory Maker’s Journal- Pink Edition The Memory Maker’s Journal- Turquoise Edition Why a Memory Maker’s Journal? When my husband, Dan was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2012, one of the things we soon realized was that our time on earth was finite. Would our children and grandchildren know our stories and what made us who we are? Read more…
Do you like a good thriller? A book that takes you by surprise, grabs you and doesn’t let go? Then Jacqui Murray has a book for you! Check out To Hunt a Sub! Jacqui Murray is the author of one of my favorite blogs, WordDreams. She is the author and editor of over 100 books on integrating tech into education. She shares “must-know” tech advice for anyone who likes to use a computer. This, along with her popular thesaurus style posts which offer a ton of different ways to describe things in your writing, is why her blog is so Read more…
When I first heard about the game, That Dragon, Cancer from my children, I couldn’t understand what the appeal would be. It is a “game” about a child having and dying from cancer. But, they kept asking for it, so when it went on sale, I bought it. I decided I would check it out before letting them “play” the game. That Dragon, Cancer, is an immersive experience, more than a game. It is so real and raw. It’s like going through Eli’s cancer along with his parents. I cried through the whole thing. Using Your gifts to Cope with That Read more…
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Reviews by Heather Erickson I’m an experienced reviewer of books, products, experiences-You name it! Sometimes I am given a product or book in exchange for an honest review. I always say whether or not this is the case, in the review itself. I always give my honest opinion. Learn More
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